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Voyages information

This collection returns sail data about our voyages. Only future voyage data is available. The day a voyage starts it can no longer be found using our API.

What information you can retrieve

All voyages

A request to /v1/voyages will return all future voyages:

Example Request

curl -u username:password

Example Response

Output explained

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One voyages

A request to /v1/voyages/[voyage number] will return the overview for one specific voyage:

Example Request

curl -u username:password

Example Response

Output explained

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A request to /v1/voyages/[voyage number]/itinerary will return the itinerary for the specified voyage:

Example Request

curl -u username:password

Example Response

Output explained

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A request to /v1/voyages/[voyage number]/map will return the URIs for maps to the specified voyage. The maps are hosted on a CDN. Maps are available in jpeg format only.

Example Request

curl -u username:password

Example Response

Output explained

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